For us, maintaining long distance relationship was so hard. Can't describe it no more, but it was so so hard. Since we're still boy-girlfriend until we're finally married, in total we've doing this for almost 4years. Huft! But we believe in Allah. We believe that someday we will be united whatever its way.
And, after struggling so many things, finally the day is coming. My husband finally got a golden chance to move here, in Jogjakarta. Me is very happyyyy and we're counting days to prepare the moving processes.
Insya Allah, there will be no more LDR.
Bismillah, Allah paring lancar semuanya.
Thank Allah.
Thank Allah.
Thank Allah.
All of this was happened just because of Allah and in the name of Allah.
So, thank Allah!!
1 komentar
Alhamdulillah udah bisa bareng bareng lagi mbak sama masnya ikut seneng.. Semoga proses pindahnya diberi kelancaran mbak, amiin.